The Top Ten Bitcoin / Blockchain APIs in 2019

Reading time 13 Min

With the large increase in the popularity of various blockchain projects over the last few years, there has also been a large increase in the number of Bitcoin and blockchain APIs that have appeared on the market.

APIs are very versatile and effective tools for any business that is looking to create a blockchain/cryptocurrency-based project. They can provide a method for a number of things including checking the balances of crypto wallets, keeping tabs on prices and new projects within the market, making and receiving transactions along with many other functions.

In this article, we will be exploring the top ten APIs that can be of use to your project in 2019.


The Coinbase API was created by the development team of the well-known cryptocurrency exchange of the same name. There are a number of different utilities for the Coinbase API which makes it useful both to various blockchain projects and different businesses that are looking to find ways to utilize digital currencies.

The Coinbase API can be used to create wallets and addresses for a number of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin. The API will also allow its users to trade these cryptocurrencies and store them in a secure manner. In addition to the sale and purchasing functions, users will also be able to compare prices of various cryptocurrencies in both the present and the past.

The API allows for businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments instantly and when payments are processed, you will also be notified. Furthermore, the Coinbase connect functionality allows users to connect their application with a repository of over four million different cryptocurrency wallets.

The official programming languages that are currently being used by the API are Ruby, Python, Node.JS, and PHP. The service is free, however, there is a set limit of 10,000 requests per hour.

Due Dilligence

The Due Dilligence API is provided by Zloader and is a useful tool for individuals and businesses who are looking to get a better understanding of the risk involved in particular projects, coin offerings and cryptocurrency exchanges. This is because the API provides the user with a score based off of reports to measure the safety of a company.

There is no provision for wallet features or functionality and this API would only be useful for individuals that are seeking information to inform their business decisions. Furthermore, there is no functionality that will users to send and receive payments.

The Due Diligence API is priced and the various packages are as followed. The Basic Package costs $19.99 and allows for 5000 monthly requests, the Pro Package costs $49.99 per month and allows for 20,000 monthly requests, the Ultra Package costs $249.99 per month and allows for 200,000 monthly requests and the Mega Package costs $999.99 and offers unlimited requests.


The CoinMarketCap API is an incredibly useful and popular tool that is utilized to keep tabs on various pieces of information on a number of different cryptocurrencies. This information includes things such as the coin’s market cap, the price per coin, the volume of coins in the environment and the daily volatility. They have facilities for checking over 1,600 different tokens.

Thankfully, one of the positives of the API is that integrating into your systems is an incredibly simple process and there are usually no issues at all. Dissimilarly to other APIs, the CoinMarketCap does not provide any facilities for cryptocurrency wallets or transactional features, despite providing price information.

Another one of the positives about this API is that it is completely free. As a result of this, despite its shortcomings, CoinMarketCap is a great tool for receiving detailed analytical information on various crypto tokens.


The Nexchange API offers its users an incredibly functional cryptocurrency exchange service. It allows for the rapid exchange of cryptocurrency and other cryptographic tokens and its services are available for use by individuals and businesses. In addition to the exchange capabilities, they can provide the user with a large amount of information on the market.

With regards to the wallet integration features, there is very limited provision for this. It simply allows the exchange to store the funds from transactions.

The fees that you will have to pay to use Nexchange is dependent on the type of transaction that is being made.

Through smart development and use, the Nexchange API can even be used to establish your company’s own exchange service.


GetBalance, whilst a limited API in terms of additional features, it still does one thing and does it incredibly well. It provides a free cryptocurrency wallet service that can be easily used. The ease of use appears because the API only has one endpoint and this endpoint allows you to view the balance of a Bitcoin wallet in both Bitcoin and US Dollars.

There are no other features to speak of and there is no ability to view the balance of the wallet in respect to other fiat currencies. Due to the simplicity of the API, it does not tend to cause conflict with the systems of its users and provides a simple, stable service.

In addition, the GetBalance API can be used free, making it great for hobbyists, beginners and cash-strapped businesses.

Bits of Gold API

The Bits of Gold API, provided by the Israeli business of the same name provides a platform whereby blockchain projects and businesses can apply different payment methods for cryptocurrency trading through the Bits of Gold interface. This interface can then be integrated into alternative Dapps. The main sectors that would healthily benefit from the use of the Bits of Gold API are the financial services, e-commerce and co-operative economy sectors.

There is also provisions that can help projects with their ICOs.

The API helps to ensure full compliance with Israeli regulations by ensuring that a robust know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering process is carried out by the system. Furthermore, trades are streamlined through the use of an Automatic Trade system. The system itself is true to the name in that purchase or sale orders can be made in exchange for fiat currencies and will be implemented automatically.

Furthermore, if there are any questions or issues with the platform, Bits of Gold’s expert customer service team will be on hand to assist you.

With regards to the available programming languages, Bits of Gold currently has a library for Ruby, with additional libraries in the works. There is also provision for cURL requests to be made to Bits of Gold.

To gain access to the API, you should go to the page and sign up to the service. Once this has been completed, you will be given access to the API and will be added to the beta community.


Bitcointy is a good API to use if you have an interest in the current value of Bitcoin and would also like to view averages of the cryptocurrency’s value. It was created by developer Pablo Merino. To establish a value for Bitcoin, a number of different sources for information will be used. Furthermore, you will also be able to view the value in comparison to currencies other than the US Dollar. Some examples of these are the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar and the Japanese Yen, although more are available.

One of the best points for Bitcointy is that it is a free service and requests can be made endlessly. This makes it a very hassle-free and budget-friendly API for businesses and blockchain projects that have a vested interest in the value of Bitcoin.

The API is also relatively simple to use, making use of the JSON programming language and non-complex endpoints.


The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) API is provided by Zloader and is a very useful tool for individuals and businesses that are looking to keep abreast of the latest developments for ICOs.

The API itself is incredibly simple and provides detailed information to the user on upcoming, previous and currently occurring ICOs. At this time, the API also allows the user to filter the ICOs on a number of different points, some of these points include trends, profile tickers and much more.

The ICO API offers a number of different packages, with each being more expensive than the last and adding more available requests. The Basic Package offers 10,000 requests per month at $9.99, the Pro Package offers 25,000 requests per month for $29.99, the Ultra Package offers an amazing 250,000 requests per day for $199.99, finally, the Mega Package offers unlimited requests for a charge of $499.99.

The API makes use of a number of different language libraries.

Blockchain API

Blockchain API is one of the most well-known and long-standing names on this list. Despite this, their brand has managed to maintain relevance and they have continued to provide a quality service to their users.

The API allows its users to create cryptocurrency wallets, easily send cryptocurrency payments to another crypto wallet address and send cryptocurrencies to numerous recipients in a single transaction. There are also other wallet management features included, with balance checking, listing addresses and checking the balance of addresses within the wallet also being working features.

The interface of the API can be utilized in an easy, JSON format and is famed for having incredibly low downtime periods. Additionally, there are facilities to allow for the statistical analysis of Bitcoin.

You can receive your wallet from Blockchain for free on their website.

Colu API

Colu is a very multi-purpose API, providing facilities for the issuing and management of various cryptocurrencies. The solution is very functional, yet simplistic, which provides a good base for a wide variety of different blockchain projects.

One of the main things that draws people to Colu is that its structure and interface is very intuitive and does not have a steep learning curve. This makes the API a perfect starting point for rookie developers who may not have a wealth of technical experience with blockchain APIs.

Whilst good for rookies, it is not without its downsides. Due to the fact that it does not use Node.JS, you may be required to hire an external developer or learn the applied programming language yourself. However, once this issue has been overcome, Colu has a module that can help to prevent issues of conflict between the API and your platform, which is a common issue with some APIs.

With regards to the functionality of the API, Colu’s interface helps you to secure your transactions when sending cryptocurrencies. This is achieved by encrypting the transfers with both public and private keys. It also allows you to search for and read the metadata of various assets, along with the implementation of a BIP44 Wallet system.
